
主な案内場所~Sightseeing Spots

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喜多院~Kitain Temple



Jie-do, the main temple of Kitain, which was built by order of Tokugawa Iemitsu, the third shogun, is a tourist attraction together with the only remaining structures of the original Edo-jo castle which were moved here from Tokyo. You can spend even a whole day in a blink of eyes looking at Gohyaku-Rakan stone statues.



The only remaining building of Kawagoe-jo Castle built 160 years ago in 1848.

一番街~Ichiban-gai Street-Penny Sweets Lane

時の鐘~The Time Bell Tower完全耐火建築の蔵造り-土蔵造りのお店が建ち並び、時の鐘-木造の鐘桜では日本一の高さと言われる塔から聞こえる鐘の音にはほっと心が和むことでしょう。

The Ichiban-gai Street is lined with Kurazukuri, or 100% fire-resistant houses which are more than 100 years old.
.Toki-no-kane, Time Bell Tower is said to be the highest wooden belfry in Japan. The gentle sound of the bell may make you feel relaxed.



There are many other exciting spots to visit, such as the Image of ascetic Buddha Sakyamuni, Kurazukuri Daubed House Museum, etc. If you walk around with a guide, you can enjoy a lot more than walking alone.

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